Thursday, November 29, 2012

US Weekly is running a story that Jessica is 9 weeks pregnant!  I know that this is not a pregnancy fashion story, but OMG!  I feel like I have only just recovered from the complete fashion disaster that was Jessica in her first pregnancy?  Have your eyeballs healed yet?  Can't remember what I'm talking about.  Don't remember the tracksuit pants with the red tartan jacket, or the oversized green poncho?  This blog is mostly about fashion wins but I'm putting it out there - if Jessica really is pregnant again, well I'm going to have to follow her.  It's like looking at an eclispe, you know you can't but you are compelled to.  And then you go blind.
By the way, what do you think of the cover photo of Jessica.  To me, her features seem very hard - not masculine, but not feminine.  Photoshop disaster I would say. 


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